Intensifying Your Spiritual Practice (Sadhana)

You can hold on to God by developing love for Him. At least from today follow the path, have full faith in (chanting) the name of God, teach everyone about this sacred path. There is no need to do any other Sadhana. Discourses of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba 1987 P. 151.

The sincerity in sadhana is important. More intense the devotion, better are the results. Do not pray Me asking for forgiveness. You should pray, “God, make me suffer for all my mistakes and take me into You quickly.” If you pray for forgiveness, it may act as an obstruction in your sadhana. Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi. Journey with Sai. P. 293

The best sadhana is that every act through the day be done as worship of God. God is the electric power. The heart is the light bulb. The wiring is the discipline. The switch is the intelligence. The act of turning the switch is morning, noon or evening meditation. Once the electric switch, the wiring and bulb are in, nothing more need be done. Just turn the switch and there is light. Conversations With Sathya Sai Baba , P. 135.

Seva is the highest sadhana. God Himself comes down to serve mankind and lead it to the ideals it has ignored. Therefore, consider how delighted God will be when man serves man. SSS Vol. 6 Chap 2 PP. 6-7. 

With steady sadhana, no special effort is needed to try and get the experience of One….With correct and steady sadhana, in due course, the actual experience of one will naturally come about. Conversations With Sathya Sai Baba, P. 52.

Some spiritual aspirants do tapas and various austerities that torture and weaken the body. This is wrong. If there is a healthy body, this is the base for healthy thoughts. Conversations With Sathya Sai Baba, P. 90.

The removal of vasanas (deep-seated tendencies), impurities which have encased themselves too deeply, is the spiritual objective of all sadhanas or spiritual practice. This is also the goal of all yoga, namely to cleanse ourselves of all traces of raga and dvesha, the twin evils of attachments and hatred, which have harbored themselves inside us. Sanathana Sarathi, June 1987 P. 157.

In Kalyuga, you need not do anything other than namasmarana. Your karma gets destroyed by having My darsanaa, sparsana and sambhasana. I have kept programs such as omkara, japa, bhajana, etc., to stop you people from wasting time by talking unnecessary things. Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi. Journey with Sai. P. 316

When you have Me, you need not do any other sadhana.  Just meditate on this form and you will get divine consciousness. Do not be afraid thinking how big your sack of karma is. This is the right time to undergo all your karma and finish if off once for all. Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi. Journey with Sai. P. 319

Where is nothing more left for me to tell you except to advise you to do sadhana. You are my devotees. It is good if you keep name and form. As soon as you remember the name, it draws the form. There is nothing simpler than this…I am giving you a simple method  – namasmarana – to get yourself liberated from the cycles of birth and death. Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi. Journey with Sai. PP. 320-321.

In this Kaliyuga, where life is sustained by food, you can advance in the spiritual path only if you have enough food and clothing. I therefore ensure that My devotees do not struggle for food and clothing. But I will not let them amass wealth. After amassing wealth, they will become insensitive to the suffering around them. Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi. Journey with Sai. P. 337

Obstacles should be taken as tests.

Sometimes people say that many obstacles occur during Sadhana. When obstacles come, they should be taken as tests. Tests are intended not as punishment, but they are given for ascertaining ones’ fitness for promotion. Frequent tests mean frequent opportunities for promotion. If there is a big time-lag between test, it only means that promotion is not possible for a long time. The obstacles in Sadhana should be taken in this spirit, and you should try to overcome them.

Dhyana stands for the sadhana or the practice by which the sadhaka meditates upon God and thereby unifies the three constituents, namely, the object of meditation—God, the person who is meditating—the “I” or the individual and the process—the meditation itself. The combination and oneness of these three is dhyana. Summer Showers In Brindavan, 1973  PP 273-274


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TIME: 2.45 PM to 3.55PM

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