Sathya Sai Baba 97th Birthday Celebrations
Atlanta Sai Center will be celebrating Sathya Sai Baba’s Birthday on Wednesday 11/23/2022. All are welcome to come and participate in these event. We have very exciting events planned for the day. Please mark your calendars accordingly.

Swami’s Birthday Celebrations – Wednesday 11/23/2022
We invite each one of you, your friends and family to come and seek the blessings of our beloved Bhagawan who came into this world only to uplift all of us spiritually, and helped us see the innate divinity within each of us. We all owe so much to him for everything he has done for us. Let us all come together and celebrate and rejoice the birth of our dear Lord.
6:00PM to 8:00PM – Prayers, Chants, Bhajans, special cake cutting, & much more.
Boxed dinner will be served .