Aaradhana Day Program – Sunday April 24, 2016


Sairam Dear Brothers and Sisters!

It is now five years since our beloved Bhagawan left his physical form.  Forms may be temporary but memories are eternal. Let us congregate to reminisce the glorious days when He graced us with His resplendent being, as we continue to strive to follow His simple-yet-profound teachings.  We shall have an extended program at our Center on Sunday, April 24th to observe Aaradhana Day 2016.

The program will be as follows:

Sunday Morning (Service)

9:30 am –  Breakfast service at Our House and Genesis Shelter at 173 Boulevard NE, Atlanta, GA 30312​. We will also be distributing umbrellas and water bottles for the homeless.

Sunday Afternoon (Program at the Center)

3:50 – 4:00 pm –  Silent sitting with soft music

4:00 – 4:30 pm –  Baba’s video and announcements

4:30 – 5:15 pm –  Talk by keynote speaker, RJ Patel. RJ and his family have been perennial supporters and well-wishers of our Sai Center for many years. He is actively involved in community service projects; and also served in many local county and city establishments in the past. Their home, Sai Karuna, has been synonymous with Akhanda Bhajans every November, where we sing and pray for World peace and happiness. In particular, RJ will discuss his key learnings as a Baba’s devotee. “How do we stay connected to the inner self or inner Baba, as we become busy with ever increasing commitments in the outer world?”

5:15 – 5:25 pm – Group 3 SSE children will have a video presentation on community service, focusing on a peer tutoring program called “School on the Go”. It will portray the benefit and the impact on both the community and the self.

5:25 – 5:50 pm – Young adults will present a video and musical program on “Connecting to Swami within.”

5:50 – 6:40 pm – Bhajans followed by Aarathi.  Light dinner will be served.

Jai Sairam!

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