Global Akhanda Gayatri chanting

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Om Sri Sai Ram.

The SSIO is happy to inaugurate a sacred programme of Global Akhanda Gayatri chanting – namely, continuous chanting of the Gayatri round the clock, all over the world. You may register to participate at the website  which also describes the meaning of Gayatri mantra, how to chant the mantra, the benefits of chanting and when to chant the mantra. The website allows you to select the time slot and frequency for chanting Gayatri.

Gayatri is a universal prayer which is addressed to the immanent and transcendent divine. The Gayatri mantra is sacred, and is considered the mother of all scriptures. It is non-denominational and can be chanted by anyone to illumine the intellect. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has emphasized that chanting of the Gayatri mantra is good for spiritual seekers everywhere, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, faith and gender. Gayatri will protect us wherever we are – travelling, working, or at home. Research has shown that chanting of Gayatri not only helps the individual, but also the family, the home and the environment. Chanting the Gayatri mantra three times a day reduces the effect of wrong acts committed knowingly or unknowingly by a person, every day. Gayatri also prevents and cures diseases, wards off miseries and fulfils all good desires. Gayatri bestows on the chanter all that is beneficial. If the mantra is chanted properly, various powers can be derived. Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba says that Gayatri can be chanted by anyone, at any place, at any time – but should be chanted at least thrice daily, preferably more often.

We urge all SSIO members and spiritual seekers to participate in this programme and register for chanting the Gayatri at the website This will bring peace to the individual, the family, the society, the nation and the whole universe.

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