Swami’s Teachings on Bhagavad Gita
Bhakthi or devotion is the only path for reaching the Divine destination. Bhakthi is the only panacea for all the ills of this world. Bhakthi is the only method forTrue Devotion
Bhakti (devotion to the Lord) is the simplest and holiest form of spiritual practice. Bhakti is created by adding the suffix “thi” to the root “Bhaj”. It denotes Seva (Service).We are programmed to look for certainty in an uncertain world.
We live in an uncertain world. Much of what lies ahead in life is unpredictable, whether it has to do with a pandemic, the economy, or your money, health, andSwami’s Teachings on Past, Present, and Future
He is a realized one who forgets the past, does not worry about the future, and discharges his duties in the present.” (Telugu Poem). Embodiments of Love! Past is past,Guru – The last resort
A short story by Baba An aspirant of a spiritual realization went off into a jungle and was plodding across the infested region, through the thick undergrowth, when he heardSwami’s Teachings on ‘Ten Guiding Principles’ for Life
In His discourse at the World Conference on 21 November 1985, Sathya Sai Baba gave ten principles that should guide our lives. Below is this “ten-fold path to Divinity”, meantSwami’s Teachings on Prosperity, Money & Wealth
The most desirable prosperity is the Lord’s Grace; that is to say, the most desirable form of wealth is the Grace of God. He will guard you, even as the
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